4-Stage High Purity Pharmaceutical Unit
Unit shown incorporates 4 distillation stages in series:
1. Wiped film evaporator
2. Wiped film molecular still
3. Hybrid wiped film still
4. Hybrid wiped film still
Designed for high purity pharmaceutical intermediates from complex reaction mixtures.

Pilot Scale, 6″ Stainless Steel
Designed to be a multi-purpose unit. Configurations include hybrid (as shown), wiped film evaporator, and wiped film molecular still (with in cooperation of internal condenser).

Laboratory Scale Hybrid Wiped Film Evaporator
Designed for small scale investigation runs. Units are available in glass or metal alloy materials of construction.

3-Stage Stainless Steel Production Scale Hybrid Distillation Plant
Built with computerized PLC control system and used for the purification of nutritional supplements.